An initiative against misogynistic hate speech and for more respect towards women.

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Violence against women – read by women

The Initiative

Hate against women: language creates reality

Violence against women does not necessarily have to be physical; it can also be inflicted with words. As has been the case for many years with German rap, which has dominated the charts and promoted a Stone Age image of women.

#UNHATEWOMEN rocks the rap scene and social media

Through a viral video campaign, #UNHATEWOMEN takes on the rappers with their own weapons: their lyrics. Read out by women and free from dazzling music videos and booming beats, only one thing remains: pure misogyny. In order to reach the target group as effectively as possible, individual quotations were placed as YouTube pre-rolls in front of the very music videos from which they originated. It was impossible to ignore them!

Start a movement and encourage discussion

The campaign becomes a controversially discussed topic and the subject of nationwide reporting, thereby successfully increasing the pressure on politicians to take action: the German Federal Council passes the law against hate crimes on the Internet.

All motifs show real quotes from songs of successful German rappers.

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